"I am a triathlete"
This is something I hope to say at the end of the 2011 season. Not that I competed in an ironman distance triathlon or even a sprint, but I want to be able to say this knowing that I have immersed myself in the multi-sport, competed to the fullest extent, and left nothing behind. This blog will log my journey into the sport this year and into the future.
OK. Enough of that mission statement junk. Let's really get into what this is about. First here is some background info on me: I'm early 30s, married, dog lover, software developer, geek (love gadgets), contract web site developer, Kansas City Royals and Chiefs fanatic.
In 2006 I started running outside. It lasted a week. Starting in July wasn't the best idea but, hey, I tried. In 2008 TKB (Wife) and I joined the local YMCA and were mostly successful at keeping a schedule. In August 2009, I forced myself into a routine and started going every morning before work. This put me in a position to run on the indoor track or treadmill five+ days a week.
In my effort to "actually get something out of this workout thing", I picked up some "smart exercise" books and then a Garmin Forerunner 405cx. Now I had all the motivation I needed to get outside. You know, to see where I ran on a digital map and devour all the data (remember: geek). The books got me going in terms of how the body gets fit and how to put it in practice.
So that's how I started my inaugural 2010 season. 2011 began the journey into triathlons.
The Blog
To keep myself accountable and to have an outlet, I decided to start this online journal. Here are my goals for it and what you may see (besides typos, grammatical errors, and poorly structured sentences):
- Lessons Learned: Knowledge I've gained about endurance sports. Most people will recognize this as advice in what not to do during endurance sports training. Needless to say, this is way too generic of a category.
- Gadget Speak: Hopefully more focused about gadgets/technology in the endurance sport arena; however, I've been known to gush about the latest Apple or Google offerings. You've been warned.
- Race Reports: 2011 is scheduled to be a big year... and it's not even a leap year!
- Nutrition and Metabolism: I seem to really enjoy this topic but I rarely talk about it. What you eat and how it effects your metabolism and your ability convert fuel into energy. Metabolism is probably the wrong word there but it's late, and I'm being lazy.
- Training Schedule: I hope to provide a weekly snapshot of what I did. Which will likely be "No time to workout, day job got in the way".
- Life: If it IS going to get in the way of my efforts, might as well talk about it.
This whole thing will evolve over time and I just hope to keep it up. I plan to post a couple times a week. Once to update my progress and a second time to discuss whatever is on my mind.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you get some enjoyment out of it... and maybe learn a thing or two. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
Time to strap on the goggles, saddle up, and activate the GPS. Let's go!