Monday, March 7, 2011

Scott Eats: Ham and Beans

Today's edition of Scott Eats is of my new favorite recipe: Ham and Beans.

You can find the recipe here.  Normally the first time I make a dish, I try to stick to the recipe.  I try the original "chefs" version before I geek-out on it.  I didn't give this one a chance, but I didn't tweak much.  I added 1/3 cup of brown sugar and I'm glad I did.

Next time I would try to cook it the prescribed 8 hours (or less).  Most beans were mushy.  They cooked for 11 hours.  My crockpot has a setting called "auto".  It cooks for 2 hours on high and then down to low for the remainder.  Maybe I'll just use the "low" setting next time.  If you get over the mushiness, it's freaking awesome (I can get over it, TKB not so much).

For leftovers I may put them on a bed of rice.  We'll see.... that's assuming there will be leftovers.

I'd also like to calculate the nutritional value based on what I used.  According to the recipe the web site:

  • 494 calories
  • 15.5 grams of fat
  • 2434 mg of Sodium (!!! .. Daily Recommend Allowance is 2400mg)
  • A nice heaping 36 grams of protein (I'm going to need it). 

In order to combat some of the bad:

  • I only sautéed the onion and ham in a small portion of the bacon grease
  • I didn't add salt at the end
  • I used low sodium broth (It doesn't look like the nutrition facts took that into consideration even though the author mentions it).

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